Object-oriented programming
PHP 5 borrowed its object-oriented paradigm from Java, which is the standard implementation of an object-oriented language today. After the release of PHP 5, a key point in the introduction of a serious object paradigm, PHP is evolving towards OOP and has borrowed more from Java products: Doctrine 2 is an object-relational mapper inspired by Hibernate and JPA; phpDocumentor is built on the example of Javadoc; PHPUnit is one of the xUnit products, which derive from the original JUnit.
- PHP classes do not have final fields, although what would be a static final field in Java is a const in PHP. EDIT: A const in PHP is more limited than a static final in Java as the latter can be an array or object instance, whereas the former must be a constant value (number or a string, essentially).
- “Overloading” in PHP does not mean the same as it does in Java. In Java, it means specifying multiple methods of the same name, but with a different set of parameters: public void myMethod(int foo){}; public void myMethod(float foo){};
- In PHP, it refers to the dynamic creation of properties and methods using the __get(), __set() and __callStatic() “magic” methods. See the PHP manual for a description on their use. Java-style method overloading is impossible in PHP and an attempt to re-declare a method (with or without a different set of parameters) will fail.
- May be obvious to some, but in PHP you use :: to access static methods and properties and -> to access instance ones, but in Java . is used for both.
- PHP doesn’t have packages, but it does have namespaces.
- As of PHP5, constructors in PHP are not supposed to be methods with a name that matches the class, like in Java, but the magic method __construct() should be declared instead, although the PHP4 style is supported for backward-compatibility. Also, PHP has a destructor method named __destruct().
- In Java, all classes inherit from Object, but there is no such generic super-class in PHP.
- Even when maximizing the amount of OOP in a PHP script, it still relies on a procedural flow; there’s no class-level entry point like in Java (i.e., public static void main(String[] args) or public void init() for applets).
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