This is a classic case of workplace politics because of “ego” and “inferiority or superiority complex”. This guy in his early forties was my manager who’s driving force was his ego and his sense of superiority, his favorite game was abusing superiors as well subordinates. Everybody hated him on his back but overpraised him in front because he was powerful and their fates were at his disposal. Ironically, I used to like him as a business head before I was put under him, he represented great understanding of the business and seemed very involved, yes he was strictly commercial in his approach but that’s just fine I guess. At that time I was reporting to a technology person and suddenly I was put under this business guy, I opposed and my dear HR head went straight to my new manager and told him I’m not motivated enough after I was moved under his leadership. Of course he called me and expressed his concerns over the matter and for the first I felt his shrewdness and ego to an extent which I have never handled before. I thought why should I bother, my performance and skills will speak for me. Wake up call! Our efficiency is never sufficient to fight workplace politics battles, forget winning any. So was my case; demotivated, denied of appraisals, humiliated, abused, etc., etc. I rebuked every time he played foul and probably that was my only hope. After many months of protest he finally thought he could not handle (read control!) me and moved me under another manager. At those times I felt as if I was dealing with a monster without emotions; he gave me sleepless nights, nightmares, lowered my confidence but I kept fighting. He wanted me to submit to his pressures and quit, I denied. Quitting or putting up my resignation seemed like the easiest solution but that solutions was not going to boost my self respect, so instead I decided to stay back and fight and quit at a time when my presence was valued and respected.
I relate an incidence where i was the victim of pretty politics in office during my stay in Mumbai. Notwithstanding i lost the battle,i never fought with them as i resisted my temptation to wash dirty linen in public. As a consequence i left that organization.There are myriad reasons that incubate dirty politics in organization. The maggot of dirty politics in organization can be effectively controlled by adopting policy which discourages the proliferation of nasty politics.It is difficult to completely get rid of but to control it to such a level where it encourages conducive situation thereby enhancing productivity of an organization.
I faced ‘sexism’, “inferiority or superiority complex”,“favoritism”, “greed”, “jealousy” and I survive every battle. But, its true sometimes I have to struggle. Politics is everywhere – home to office. If you can enjoy the game, its sure you will survive.